Agile teams are an important first step on the way to an organizational culture that offers employees real opportunities for development and relies strongly on self-management and empowerment. In order to make all employees happy and the company adaptive and successful, the organizational framework must be created step by step so that teams can grow beyond themselves.
What is the purpose of your company? Why are you in the market and what distinguishes you from others? Only with a clear goal and a clear vision can your employees orient themselves in the jungle of daily decisions.
Clear values form the foundation for the behaviors that everyone in your company strives for. It is anything but easy not to formulate these as hollow phrases, but to make them tangible for all employees in everyday life and to translate them into concrete behaviour. Only if this succeeds will the values change the everyday corporate culture.
Definition and Understanding of Leadership
How is leadership understood in your company? Do executives have better offices and company cars or do they see themselves as servant leaders who pave the way for teams and support them in their work?
The delegation of tasks and responsibilities is not a digital process. There are many stages between 'The manager decides' and 'The team can decide everything by itself'. Instead of unspoken expectations, transparency and clear communication between delegation levels on all topics make life easier. For leadership and teams.
Do you know what your employees think and want? Only if you create sufficient opportunities for everyone to contribute their ideas can you profit from these impulses. Different employees need different possibilities, e.g. company retrospectives, open spaces or blueboards.
Our Services
With the help of assessments we help you to find out where your company stands on the way to an adaptive organization. With the help of targeted workshops we support you in the development of values and vision and the development of concrete measures for implementation. We support teams and executives with leadership training, team development workshops, mentoring and coaching.
Company Culture
Corporate culture is a term that is difficult to grasp. And yet the unspoken beliefs and rules of conduct have a massive influence on the employees' room for manoeuvre. With the help of the Culture Profile Indicator, corporate culture can be discussed and concrete steps for change can be derived.
The attitude and methods of leadership in agile companies differ fundamentally from the previous understanding of leadership. We support managers with advanced training, mentoring and coaching.
Peer Feedback
Feedback helps to develop personally and to reduce the 'blind spots' in self-perception. In everyday working life there is rarely a constructive feedback culture. Peer feedback helps to create room for feedback in teams with clear rules and procedures. And this among colleagues and not in the form of employee discussions.
Personality Types
There are as many human behaviour patterns as there are human beings. And yet one can recognize recurring patterns in the behaviors. The JPP personality typology based on the MBTI helps to better understand one's own behavior patterns. In a team, the knowledge of the different personality types helps to avoid misunderstandings and communication problems and to sustainably improve cooperation.
Exchange Formats
Collaboration between teams or departments can be ordered. However, it does not function for a long time. In order for employees to be able to work together across teams with commitment, there needs to be space in everyday life and suitable formats that promote an uncomplicated exchange of ideas. Regular appointments with World Cafes, Open Spaces or company-wide, open retrospectives give employees the opportunity to advance important topics within the company.
Management 3.0
Developed by Jurgen Appelo, Management 3.0 offers almost 30 different tools to shape the collaboration between team and management in modern organizations: Delegation boards promote discussion about rights and responsibilities between management and team, business guilds enable cross-team, topic-centric exchange, Kudo Cards create space for positive feedback, Moving Motivators and Personal Maps help to understand what drives the individual in the team.
Development of Mission Statements
Good mission statements and visions are rare. In many cases the descriptions are purely textual and very abstract. With the involvement of as many employees as possible, with exciting dialogue formats and with the help of good visualizers, however, impressive, practical life models can also be created that provide all employees with a real orientation when making decisions in everyday life.
Conference talks and workshops:
We have some contributions on this topic at conferences:
- Global Scrum Gathering Vienna 2019: Safety: A Systems-Thinking Perspective
- Agile Bodensee 2019: Psychological Safety – eine systemische Perspektive
- Agile Bodensee 2018: Agile Führung - Paradigmenwechsel oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen
- Scrum Day 2018: Versteckte Hinderniss auf dem Weg zur agilen Organisation
- Continuous Lifecycle 2017: DevOps – zwischen Joblabel und Organisationsform
- Continuous Lifecycle 2017: Management for DevOps-Teams
- Agile Bodensee 2017: Agile Führung - Eigenverantwortung, Selbstmanagement und Innovationsfreude von Teams fördern
- Agile Bodensee 2016: Agile Leadership – wir bauen uns ein Leitbild für eine agile, moderne Organisation
- Agile Bodensee 2016: Einmal Abgrund und zurück – warum Prinzipien und Werte das ‘best of agile’ sind.
- Agile Bodensee 2016: Eine tolle Kombination: Agile Methoden bei einem produzierenden Mittelständler
- Continuous Lifecycle 2014: Forget about the tools - DevOps als Kultur
We are looking forward to your questions or suggestions on this topic.